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A Little Help With Spooky Cup Teambuilding?
The title is basically it. Usual when I do these kinds of competitions I can get a team together just fine, but most of the mons allowed I've never even touched before! If anyone could tell me where to start, or what some of the "best" mons out of the list are so I can figure out what I'll need to counter/check, that'd be awesome. Thanks in advance!

Breeder Scott - Proud Member of the Amethyst 0mega Breeder's Guild

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Hey, Scotty.

I don't know if you've looked at the sample cores Spyro190 made over in the main thread, but I can definitely make a few suggestions of my own if you're having trouble getting started.

Personally, most of the mons in this particular format are Ghost-Type, so having Dark-Type STAB is going to be a must. I would recommend something that can hit for physical damage since most of the Ghost-Types have rather frail defense. Someone like Krookodile might be a good place to start. But since the format is Doubles, Krookodile will need a partner. Krookodile isn't the faster mon in the format, so why not try pairing him with a Tailwind setter so he can outspeed the likes of Gengar, Crobat, and Mimikyu? A pokémon like Murkrow that gets Prankster boosted Tailwind would be a good place to begin. So here's your sample core from which you can build the rest of the team.

Krookodile Murkrow
Of course, that's not the only way to build for Spooky Cup. Try out some other attackers, or maybe swap from a Tailwind setter to a Trick Room setter like Mimikyu or Sableye. Make sure to try out everything, and find which strategy works best for you! Above all else though, Spooky Cup is meant to be fun, so don't play like your life depends on it! If you want, you can even just use the mons you love the most, like me!
Hope that helped you, companero. Big Grin

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
(Oct 13, 2017, 06:48 PM)0kamii Wrote: Hey, Scotty.

I don't know if you've looked at the sample cores Spyro190 made over in the main thread, but I can definitely make a few suggestions of my own if you're having trouble getting started.

Personally, most of the mons in this particular format are Ghost-Type, so having Dark-Type STAB is going to be a must. I would recommend something that can hit for physical damage since most of the Ghost-Types have rather frail defense. Someone like Krookodile might be a good place to start. But since the format is Doubles, Krookodile will need a partner. Krookodile isn't the faster mon in the format, so why not try pairing him with a Tailwind setter so he can outspeed the likes of Gengar, Crobat, and Mimikyu? A pokémon like Murkrow that gets Prankster boosted Tailwind would be a good place to begin. So here's your sample core from which you can build the rest of the team.

[Image: krookodile.png] [Image: murkrow.png]
Of course, that's not the only way to build for Spooky Cup. Try out some other attackers, or maybe swap from a Tailwind setter to a Trick Room setter like Mimikyu or Sableye. Make sure to try out everything, and find which strategy works best for you! Above all else though, Spooky Cup is meant to be fun, so don't play like your life depends on it! If you want, you can even just use the mons you love the most, like me!
Hope that helped you, companero. Big Grin

- 0kamii

I once again find myself thanking you for your great assistance in my endeavors, 0kamii-san! Funny enough, Murkrow was indeed the first Pokémon that popped up when I thought about my team, since as a bulky tailwind setter it would allow me to throw in some hard-hitting slower guys that could potentially do some real work against the dark types that will make up the majority of my opponents! I was thinking about Alolan Raticate for his partner, but Krookodile is a little more versatile thanks to his typing.
Well, I've got a team to plan, so once again, thank you much for your help, cousin! Catch ya on the flip side!

Breeder Scott - Proud Member of the Amethyst 0mega Breeder's Guild

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