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Need for National Dex [CLOSED]
I Only need kyogre for my national dex. That is all. If you need to contact me, leave a reply and i'll responde later. My Fc is 2638-0912-7769. Also, there IS trdebacks. (I know you dont want to lose your legends.)
I can help out, but I need it traded back

@MrRhino Oh, obviously. Also, it says your FC is incorrect. Please fix it.
I added you, I'm on right now, so whenever you're ready.
@MrRhino Your Friend Code is Broken. It says it's not valid. Please fix it
I fixed it, switch the 7 and the 4 my bad mistype  :P
@MrRhino Thank you for the Trade. Also, that Avalugg Was shiny. Now your dex knows wether you or not you've seen a shiny.
@Flinger2004 No problem and cool :D Grats on the Completed Nat Dex

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