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Breeding shop by Breeder Jonny 2 and Retro Typhlosion
this is a breeding shop so the rules are simple you request us to breed something and then we will reply with the price as well as this you can provide the parents or we will so start requesting now.
P.S the time needed will vary by amount and by speciality.
PPS we will do WV's and Iv's
Please complete forms like this:
Providing Parents
Breed with Ditto
Okay so let me get this straight.
We pay by trading other 'mons?
(Jun 20, 2017, 06:58 AM)Reis Wrote: Okay so let me get this straight.
We pay by trading other 'mons?

@Reis Yeah, pretty much.
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
Could I please have a Yamask? I don't really care about IV's.
I'm back again.
Thanks for your request we will try and get it
Your Yamask is ready and as the first customer you get it on the house
Could you breed me a Nincada? I can't provide the parents but I can offer some good 'mons in return.
sure I'll just tell @RetroTyphlosion

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