Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and as promised, the second Amethyst 0mega giveaway has officially opened!
I'm going to conduct things a little different this time. I'll have the list of pokémon down below like before, but this time the description is going to be very brief and the number of remaining mons are going to be listed next to the species. I had a few people asking for mons that had already been traded, and I'd like to avoid that this second time. Before we get to it though, a big thanks to all the breeders in Amethyst 0mega that helped to make this giveaway possible. Breeders to thank are wartty, LittleFoxS, and SocttyThunder. Thanks so much you guys! Great work all around. Also a reminder that the guild does not yet have the resources to do item distribution yet, so all pokémon listed below do not have held items.
The Rules:
1) You may only request one at a time
2) You may only request one per species (1 Garchomp, not 2 per person)
3) Distribution may not be immediate
4) If you do not comment down below, you will not receive your Dragon-Type
5) Once a Dragon-Type is gone, it's gone
I'm going to conduct things a little different this time. I'll have the list of pokémon down below like before, but this time the description is going to be very brief and the number of remaining mons are going to be listed next to the species. I had a few people asking for mons that had already been traded, and I'd like to avoid that this second time. Before we get to it though, a big thanks to all the breeders in Amethyst 0mega that helped to make this giveaway possible. Breeders to thank are wartty, LittleFoxS, and SocttyThunder. Thanks so much you guys! Great work all around. Also a reminder that the guild does not yet have the resources to do item distribution yet, so all pokémon listed below do not have held items.
The Rules:
1) You may only request one at a time
2) You may only request one per species (1 Garchomp, not 2 per person)
3) Distribution may not be immediate
4) If you do not comment down below, you will not receive your Dragon-Type
5) Once a Dragon-Type is gone, it's gone
The Dragon-Types:
1) Groundium Z Garchomp (4)
![[Image: garchomp.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/garchomp.png)
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw
1) Groundium Z Garchomp (4)
![[Image: garchomp.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/garchomp.png)
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw
The first and most basic of the pokémon that we're going to be distributing today, this Garchomp has been at the top of the early VGC metagame this past year and has continuously proven why. Tectonic Rage does massive damage to any and everything it touches, and the coverage provided by Rock Slide is useful in many situations. It is also worth noting that all Garchomp are in Beast Balls, so there's an extra kick when they're thrown into battle. You'd be hard pressed not to find a use for Garchomp this metagame, so hopefully these will provide.
2) Assault Vest Garchomp (3)
![[Image: garchomp.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/garchomp.png)
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 28 HP / 172 Atk / 4 Def / 52 Sp. Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Poison Jab
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw
![[Image: garchomp.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/garchomp.png)
Ability: Rough Skin
Level: 50
EVs: 28 HP / 172 Atk / 4 Def / 52 Sp. Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Poison Jab
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw
Yes, Garchomp is so viable this metagame that we decided to do not one set, but two. This second Garchomp sees it holding an Assault Vest to provide a little more bulk and let's it retaliate against some of the common Tapus. Poison Jab is excess coverage, and the Rough Skin serves the same function as it always has. These five Garchomp are also in Beast Balls, so no need to worry about these ones having any less flare when sent into battle. If you're looking for a VGC Dragon-Type, you probably already know what AV Garchomp can do, so I don't think it requires too much explanation.
3) Dragonium Z Salamence (4)
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Flamethrower
- Substitute
- Draco Meteor
![[Image: salamence.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen3/salamence.png)
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spd
- Protect
- Flamethrower
- Substitute
- Draco Meteor
Here's a replica of the Salamence used by World Champ Wolfey Glick at the London Internationals back in December. I knew I wanted into include Salamence because it was nice to see someone using a different Dragon-Type than Garchomp. The EV spread is fairly basic, and while it won't be outspeeding opposing Garchomp, it can still pile on the damage with a STAB Z-Draco Meteor. Substitute is there for longevity, and Flamethrower is nifty for Kartana. The Salamence are in Poké Balls, though. Otherwise, they're in perfect fighting condition. Thanks to LittleFoxS for breeding them!
4) Trick Room Drampa (1)

Ability: Berserk
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp. Atk
IVs: 0 Spd
Quiet Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Mist
- Hyper Voice
- Hurricane

Ability: Berserk
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp. Atk
IVs: 0 Spd
Quiet Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Mist
- Hyper Voice
- Hurricane
A rather unconventional Dragon-Type that's definitely given me a thorough thrashing when I've underestimated it. Drampa is deadly under Trick Room thanks to that huge Sp. Attack stat, and with Berserk you can't even weaken it without making it stronger. I debated a bit on whether or not to use Sap Sippier or Berserk, but we figured in the end it was more fun to give it its signature ability. Besides, in the end if you don't like it, you can always breed your own! All Drampa are in Premier Balls, and their movepool is so wide we left it a blank canvas for you all to decide what your need requires. Thanks to wartty for breeding the Drampa!
5) Assault Vest Goodra (1)
![[Image: goodra.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen6/goodra.png)
Ability: Sap Sipper
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 52 Sp. Atk / 96 Sp. Def
Modest Nature
- Sludge Wave
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
![[Image: goodra.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen6/goodra.png)
Ability: Sap Sipper
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 52 Sp. Atk / 96 Sp. Def
Modest Nature
- Sludge Wave
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
The second AV mon featured in our giveaway this time, all five of the available Goodra we have were bred by ScottyThunder, who also designed the set. With a little bit of bulk invested, Goodra does considerable damage. Under Tailwind, it can outspeed a great deal and even take chunk out of Bulkanine. All Goodra are in Beast Balls, same as the Garchomp, and they couldn't be more exciting to meet their new owners.
If you're interested in obtaining one of these Dragon-Types for your VGC team, all you need do is following the steps below:
If you're interested in obtaining one of these Dragon-Types for your VGC team, all you need do is following the steps below:
1) Fly to Hau'oli City
2) Catch a Finneon
![[Image: finneon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/finneon.png)
3) Nickname it '0mega'
4) Deposit it into the GTS
5) Leave a comment here using this formula:
Pokémon Requested:
Level of Finneon:
Ball Captured In/Gender:
Message (if any):
2) Catch a Finneon
![[Image: finneon.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen4/finneon.png)
3) Nickname it '0mega'
4) Deposit it into the GTS
5) Leave a comment here using this formula:
Pokémon Requested:
Level of Finneon:
Ball Captured In/Gender:
Message (if any):
Thanks so much for the enthusiasm you've all had leading up to our second giveaway. We look forward to serving you all to the best of our ability. Remember, only one species of each! Be generous to your fellow forum users! Thanks for reading, battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder