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[CLOSED] Berry Giveaway [Hacked/Cloned]
@Theobroco ,
@Brootox ,
@P35 ,
@Jakal_00 ,
@element_x49 ,
@assclapninja ,
@Eugenio ,

Sent! Smile
What is a signature and how do I get one?
Thanks for doing this!

IGN: Henderi
Deposited a female lvl51 Emolga
Requesting Latias
Thank you so much for the lansat berry WITH the 5iv shiny! Big Grin Also can I get the other berry? It's fine if I can't but here's what I deposited:
-Lv 54 male emolga
-wanted latios 
​​​​-message please trade with me thanks in advance 
​​​​​​-ign Xander
Pokemon Deposited: Lvl 1 Male Emolga
Pokemon Wanted: Latias

Thanks Smile
Thanks @gkh1997!
Nice I got it!

And now the other one:

Requested: Latios
IGN: Broco
Deposited: lvl 1 Female Emolga

Thanks so much!
Pokemon requested: Latias
Emolga level 1 female
Ign: Matteo

Thank you!
Pokemon deposited:Emelga
Pokemon request:Latios 
I just got it thanks for both of them! Big Grin
@Henderi14 ,
@P35 ,
@Arquero ,
@Eugenio ,
@Theobroco ,
@AzzurrinoVGC ,
@Enrique154 ,

sent! Smile

If there are no more requests, I can close this giveaway early! Smile
What is a signature and how do I get one?

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