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[CLOSED] Looking to trade Porygon with up-grade for another Porygon with Up-grade
As the title states, I am trying to get a Porygon 2 and instead of waiting and hoping for one to pop on GTS, I figure I could just ask on here!
I'll touch trade right now if you want @Honest Doodle. I'll trade you something then you can trade right back immediately.
@Hojunhu That would be awesome! I have not traded in S/M yet, do we still have to add friend codes or is it different?
@Honest Doodle, it's friend codes and using Festival Plaza. Once you have my code added, go to the wifi wave icon in the Festival Plaza screen to connect to the Internet in-game. Then click trade and you should see my IGN Hojunhu with the word "Friend" next to it. Then initiate the trade.

My FC is 1650-6088-4031
Okay, I think I figured it out, My IGN is HonestDoodle, if that pops up!
@Hojunhu Thank you so much! now to level it a bit and find the other Disc thing for the last Evolution!

And thanks for the Dratini Dex entry!
(Dec 5, 2016, 03:19 PM)Honest Doodle Wrote: @Hojunhu Thank you so much! now to level it a bit and find the other Disc thing for the last Evolution!

And thanks for the Dratini Dex entry!
No problem, glad you needed the dex entry!
@Honest Doodle Glad to see you got the Porygon2! Smile Just a tip for when you're done w/ a thread; under the "Edit" option for your original post, if you go into "Full Edit", there should be a list under "Prefix" next to the title of your thread, where you can choose "[CLOSED]", that would greatly help the mods out :D
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@BoneheadMarowak Good to know! As is evident, I wasn't quite sure how to do that so I was attempting to my own way XD

But thank you! I will keep that in mind from now on!

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