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[CLOSED] Vikavolt and Ribombee GA!
@Lodakris Sent Smile
Pokemon Deposited:Wishiwashi 
Pokemon requested: Vikavolt
Gender: Female
IGN: Louis

My favorite Pokemon is Quagsire mostly because of it's beautiful face
@L3ZLouis Sent Smile
Pokemon deposited: Wishiwashi (Spanish)
Pokemon requested: Ribombee
Level: 17
Gender: Female
IGN: Miguel

My favorite Pokémon is Garchomp, it's not because of its power (it just makes it better), but for design alone is very nice, I love the jet land shark dragon combo; and also it was the Pokémon I used to beat Red's Pikachu in HeartGold.
@MeatOfJustice Sniped?
Pokemon deposited: Wishiwashi
Pokemon requested: Vikavolt
Level: 19
Gender: male
IGN: Alec

Thank you!!
@al19 Sent Smile
(Dec 29, 2016, 06:47 AM)Hatonacat Wrote:
Hey guys! Its time for another giveaway
This time I will be giving away Vikavolt, Dhelmise, and Ribombee
You may get one of each but not dupes of one
Okay, last time I went easy on people who didn't deposit the right pokemon
But this time you MUST or you will be ignored
No excuse. If you have not reached the route where you can catch this pokemon, you probaly don't need one
Okay, here the GTS form

Pokemon deposited: Wishiwashi
Pokemon requested:
Sorry if I was a bit harsh.....
Enjoy! Heart

[Image: vikavolt.png] [Image: dhelmise.png] [Image: ribombee.png]

Forgot to mention you may leave a comment in your post saying what your favorite pokemon is and why. 
Whoever gives me the best one, I'll PKhex you three pokemon.

what level are the pokemon?  so I know what to put in my request
@aing_cue 100
Is it okay for me to ask for another pokemon?

Pokemon deposited: Wishiwashi
Pokemon requested: Ribombee
Level: 1
Gender: female
IGN: Asif
High impact memes
<3 Fire Emblem <3 Pokémon

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