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[CLOSED] Vinnie Features #13: Silent Night, Deadly Night (Christmas edition)
(Dec 20, 2016, 07:25 AM)Vinnie Wrote: @tonitheegreat Enjoy!
@Lucyingame You're welcome! Merry Christmas!
@Austintin Enjoy!

 [Image: a4059f4ab8c196179ea1fa9d09c05b44.png]
Kappa Enjoy!

@GhostInTheshadows45 Enjoy!
@"GlubWorld" Sniped?
@Tenebris Why would you get banned?
@assclapninja Yep you can have both
@ianlynn Enjoy!
Thank you @Vinnie  :D :D :D
@wapuurin Enjoy!
@Aky Pls try one more time Wink
@OrangeT Enjoy!
@kanxel Sniped?
@"MistressGlaceon"  Yep Su/Mo only, sorry Sad I'll save one for you! 
@PumPum7 Yep!
@TheGamingPerson12 Enjoy!
@LaVolpe Sniped?
@xyzyx101 Enjoy!
@XIIIthplayer Enjoy!
@Rabidity Sniped?
@assclapninja Enjoy!
@Luf18 Enjoy!
@GSerra Sniped again? Sad
Trying again lol got sniped 2 times

Pokemon requested: Gengar 
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Jangmo-o
Gender: Male
Level: 41
IGN: Adrian
@Vinnie Ok, thank you! <3
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
For the request 31-40 right ?
Pokemon requested: Gengar
Shiny (yes or no): YES
Pokemon Deposited: Drampa
Gender: male
Thanks very Much!!!!!
Angel Angel Angel
Pokemon requested:Litten
Shiny (yes or no):yes
Pokemon Deposited:drampa
Pokemon requested:Litten
Shiny (yes or no):yes
Pokemon Deposited:Ledian
Thank you!
Pokemon requested: Litten
Shiny (yes or no): yes
Pokemon Deposited: Ledian
Gender: female 
Level: 27
IGN: Phyrotix

Heres the redeposit, I was sniped.

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