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[CLOSED] Volcanion
Okay guys! Welcome to this Giveaway ♥ (my first one, probably some thing I'm doing wrong huhu~)

I created clones of my legal Volcanion (from a japanese mystery gift), and... well, let's spread the love!
I'm gonna get strip their ribbon off so I can GTS them. (They are still legit... I guess? Correct me if I'm wrong D: )
So here's the beast.
[Image: 250px-Volcanion-ROSA.png]
Volcanion @ Leftovers  
Ability: Water Absorb  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Steam Eruption  
- Flamethrower  
- Sludge Bomb  
- Hidden Power
(yup, smogon all-out-attacker style, I know :D)

SO, ladies and gentleman, if you want this bad guy, want I want you to do is:

- to deposit a...Gyarados .
- Request pokemon as Volcanion. If you have not seen a Volcanion yet in game, you can still request it on the GTS. Simply scroll down to "What Pokemon?" and type     in Volcanion. Make sure you spell it correctly!
- Request a level between 61 to 70.
- to set your GTS message as "PKMN4EVER"
- Select "Deposit with these conditions".
- Limit 1 per person
His ID is 04166, so, if this is not the case, he's not from me! 

Then post a message bellow containing this:

Pokemon Deposited: (Well, Gyarados, obviously!)

... and to be patient :D (never more than one day. Let's say 12h max, since I sleep like a Slakoth).
I have 30 of them actually. So good luck :D
There are 11 left now!
I hope this is clear enough! 

Why a Gyarados?
   It's not about a collection of Gyarados haha!
   Well, I don't know who uses what into other giveaways and don't want to step on someone else feet. If      you don't have one spare, fine, post something else. But it's more difficult for me, since my langage is not    english, I have to search the name in my langage etc.)
An other Giveaway idea?
  Maybe, if you have an idea of another giveaway that might get you interess, tell, me, I'll see what I see       the most!
Can we direct trade?
  Yes, we can. But I don't see why. Since the pokemon is totally free to go on GTS, and you and I may live     in different timezones  (I eat baguette and croissant. Sometimes omelette du fromage). So is it extra           difficult with no purpose. If you wish to anyway, PM me, I'll do it (even if it's hard to catch each other).

Let's get you guys a nice Volcanion ♥
Could i reserve for till tomorrow my ds just got taken away
Pokemon Deposited: Gyarados
Gender: Female
Level: 37
IGN: Red
Pokemon Deposited: Gyarados
Gender: female
Level: 21
IGN: Vika

Is it possible if we can direct trade? If not totally OK~~

Thank you for your time and for doing this fabulous giveaway!!
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
Pokemon Deposited: (Well, Gyarados, obviously!)
Pokemon Deposited: Gyarados
Gender: Male
Level: 43

Ty for the GA!
Woopsy guys, I just corrupted my savefile haha!
Let me fix it out and I'll send your Volcanion right away!

@MistressGlaceon I saw we could somewehere, I'll try it out! :D
(Oct 18, 2016, 06:41 PM)Rhyme Wrote: Woopsy guys, I just corrupted my savefile haha!
Let me fix it out and I'll send your Volcanion right away!

@MistressGlaceon I saw we could somewehere, I'll try it out! :D

OK I'll add your FC now! Smile
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
I registered your FC. 

FC: 1392-5406-5733


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