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The Collection: Collector's Trade Shop and Services
I am currently in the process of collecting all available Hidden Ability Pokemon (except of course the Legendaries). To be honest, I really could probably just look through my friend safari list and check for HA Pokemon I don't have, but most if not all my friend safaris are not completed or I am unable to use them to obtain HA Pokemon I need (as some of you know, your chances of getting one of the Pokemon with its respective HA is significantly increased so long as the friend is online playing Pokemon XY) because my friends are too busy playing Smash Brothers (of course, who isn't at this time?). In order to avoid spending hours of searching for active friends and trades, I decided to set up a shop of my own. Not only will this help me, but it will help those of you trying to get your hands on some rare HA Pokemon.

***Note: Now taking breeding requests! Please follow the following format:

Pokemon you want with Hidden Ability
-Ivs (up to five)
-Desired Pokeball (I recently got good connections so whichever one you want, chances are I have it)
-Egg Moves

If you do not have a HA pokemon I need then that is fine as I am always looking for good parents and the like. While I dont particularly care whether or not the HA offers are competitive, if you are making other offers, I would ask that these are (at the very least 4iv).

For the complete list on what I need, don't need, or already have, please check on my google document here. I am also taking any decent competitive spitbacks as well as female Pokemon in rare pokeballs.
Here is how it works, you can select any Pokemon I have listed in the link above that I possess (and is NOT legendary) for trade. Keep in mind it will only be a newly hatched Pokemon at level 1 when you obtain it. When you trade me one Pokemon (whether it is a pre-evolution or fully evolved Pokemon), I will then update my list accordingly. In other words, when I get at least one Pokemon of its respective evolution line that can also breed, I will then update the Pokemon and its evolution line as "Already Have."

Here is probably the best part: I am accepting HA Pokemon and I DO NOT CARE about the level, IVs, nature, EVs, or even gender. For all I care, you could just have the absolute worst competitive Pokemon so long as it is one I do not have.

What I don't want:

-Non-Kalos Born
-Shiny (Yes, I'd rather have a normal Pokemon than risk it being a potentially hacked shiny)

What I can breed for you:

Due to me not requiring a competitive HA pokemon, I ask that you only understand it is fair you do not receive a competitive bred HA pokemon from me. However, if you are willing to trade me a competitive HA Pokemon that I do not have, I will be more than happy to breed you a competitive HA Pokemon of your own. This includes egg moves, nature, gender, current legal inherited pokeball (for a list of the current legal inherited pokeballs for each pokemon, please click here), or IVs (1-5 max IVs of choice). Due to me taking the time to breed this, it may take me longer to fulfill your request for obvious reasons. Keep in mind I will never breed shinies. Also, if you don't have any HA Pokemon I do not possess but would still like me to breed you a competitive HA Pokemon that I have, please feel free to make offers!
What I hope to set up in the future:

-National Pokedex Trade-a-thon so you can complete your own National Pokedex
-Pokemon Alternate Forms trade shop
-Open to suggestions for more

When am I available to trade?

Truth is, I am a very busy man with both college and work hours taking most of my time. Generally speaking, I'm usually available to trade during Saturday-Monday unless otherwise noted. For future reference, my time zone is -6:00 Central Standard Time, USA.

Pokemon to trade you might be interested in:


List of Completed Trades:


List of Pending Requests: [RED = Pending]  [GREEN = Ready to trade]  [BLUE = Awaiting trade request details]



I will be doing Pokedex filling and EV training services. All I ask for is pokemon in the google doc on the first post OR decent competitive spitbacks / pokemon in rare Pokeballs.

Pokedex Service
1 decent spitback / rare pokeball pokemon = 10 Pokedex entries. Excludes Legendaries
1 HA Pokemon I need/want (see first post) = 15 Pokedex entries. Includes Legendaries.

EV Training Service
1 decent spitback / rare pokeball pokemon = EV training for ONE Pokemon (can also correct wrong EVs)
1 HA Pokemon I need/want = EV training for THREE Pokemon (can also correct wrong EVs)

Item Trading Services
When I have decent BPs, I'll offer items for trade. Pretty much anything goes as far as what I want. Any evolution stones (rare ones) as well as rare berries are good. Heck chances are I'll probably trade it for any decent item. I will update this post with a trade status when I get more items.
The comes a time when a trainer must bump his thread to keep it alive. That time is now
Hey i could breed you an overcoat pineco

Is there any chance you could breed me an iron fist chimchar?

If not i'd like an onix with weak armor

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