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Creative new Pokemon fan game - In Progress
The site previously existed as a Pokemon RPG but has been on hiatus for a great while. I've been working largely independently to relaunch it over the past year and a half or so. The current plan would be to relaunch it in its pre-existing forum-based format, but I'm certainly open to ideas that might work better format-wise. Below, I've outlined some of the features that make this game unique:
  • Completely customized region: This game takes place in the Otaru Region, a diverse continent theorized to exist in the southern hemisphere of the Pokemon world. Made up of a massive island mainland, and bordered by a chain of nearly 70 smaller islands off the southern and western coasts. Your journey takes you from the pastoral coast across the arid desert interior, through swamps and under mountains, battling trainers and exploring towns along the way.
  • Fully-sized Otaru Region Pokedex, containing more than 175 Pokemon unique to the region, living alongside familiar Pokemon from other regions.
  • Simple-to-understand universal levelling and stat-gain features eliminate the need for tedious level grinding.
  • Unique two-action battling system allows trainers to choose when to attack and when to dodge incoming attacks.
I wanted to see of anybody out there had any experience with setting up/designing/running/participating in similar RPG sites? I've been having a lot of trouble trying to manage the entire project on my own so anybody willing to offer time, feedback or advice would be appreciated greatly.

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Creative new Pokemon fan game - In Progress - by sandragon13 - Jan 15, 2015, 11:13 AM

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