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[DISCUSSION] Battle tower and/or Battle frontier in Sun/Moon?
Hey everyone. So we all know about Pokemon Sun and Moon and we have seen some new models and artwork. But there is one thing that I want to get some opinions on and that is the Battle frontier or Battle tower being in the new games. I think that it will be, for in ORAS there was a battle tower model in the Battle resort, so. But that is my look on it, and I wonder if anyone else thinks this or if they will just stick to the Battle chateau that has been in ORAS and X/Y.
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
This is an interesting prompt! I do believe that they will add a Battle Tower or Frontier, as given hints in ORAS. If I remember correctly, in the Battle Resort, one trainer stated that they had plans to build a bigger, more professional battle league (In relation to the tower and frontier). This could have been a small insight to what Sun and Moon foretells, in which I would find that to be a great addition to the already-popular Battle Resort.
Your number one flying-type trainer!
If S&M has Battle Frontier, I would be happy.
Well, they are taking alot of time making this game, so I would be dissapointed if this game lacked in postgame.
I mean XY and ORAS were pretty good, but X had nonexistent postgame (Looker's quest and legends aside) and ORAS had a greater postgame, with alot of legendaries but.. In the end, aside those there was no postgame.

In sun/moon I'd be really glad if there happened to be a battle frontier! But I would like also side quests along with rematches with gym leaders with a decently high level. Well, after the introduced Delta Episode in ORAS, i would expect another good postgame saga.

Anyway, i wish for S&M to have a good postgame and a Battle Frontier, which is pretty likely to have, since the hints from ORAS (unless GF is trolling us)

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