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[DISCUSSION] Pokémon of the Week! (singles edition)
Hi, and welcome to the Pokémon of the Week: Singles Edition!

This is a discussion thread where each week, we will be choosing a Pokémon and you guys can share you favourite moveset(s) for this Pokémon in single battles! You can post them to get feedback on them or to share a fun/good set you made, and others can talk about your set, give feedback, and even just look here for some cool movesets!

[Image: 1628894c05d6f8baa629cc1bb50ca21c-d4mkmgu.png]

We'll be starting off this week with Jirachi, suggested by @GingerxPug (who also thought of the thread, big thanks to you :]), so feel free to start sharing sets!

Thanks in advance to everyone who will participate, and have fun!
I'll start by giving a set I've been messing around with: Mixed Rachi!


Jirachi @ Expert Belt
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 60 Atk / 232 SpA / 216 Spe
Mild Nature
- Icy Wind
- Thunder
- Iron Head
- Hidden Power [Ground]

I really like this set because it breaks usual bulky cores like Lando/Fini/Heatran and it catches a lot of stuff by surprise. With the following investment, it can outspeed Modest Tapu Lele and OHKO it with Iron Head, and it can also 2HKO Landorus-Therian, Tapu Fini, and Heatran, which can usually check Jirachi pretty well. This isn't the best set of all time but it's really fun and I enjoy using it, so I figured I'd share.
Personally I prefer Choice Scarf Flinch everything set. With the nerf to Thunder wave, i cant see that set being as popular as it was last generation. This set should suffice though, considering 60% of the time your opponent cant move. Getting rid if threats such as Dugtrio and Heatran should make flinching alot easier.

[Image: latest?cb=20140329025424]

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Heart Stamp/Zen Headbutt
- Thunder Punch/Ice Punch
- U-turn/Healing Wish
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


My favorite Jirachi set is sub toxic. There's nothing better than the ecstasy you feel when your opponent raging in chat because Jirachi just 1v1 it's own "counter"
[Image: latest?cb=20140329025424]
Jirachi @ Leftovers  
Ability: Serene Grace  
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Atk / 160 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Iron Head  
- Fire Punch  
- Substitute  
- Toxic
Iron head is Jirachi way of stalling out turns to let toxic damage rack up and gain more leftovers. Fire punch is great coverage against steels which are immune to toxic. Substitute lets Jirachi beat Pokemon that are suppose to wall it, like fat water, ferrothorn, etc, since they're unable to break Jirachi substitute. The ev spread allows Jirachi to create 101 hp substitues, which prevents a single seismic toss from breaking Jirachi substitute. 160 speed with a Jolly nature let's you outspeed Jolly excadrill and the leftover evs were put into attack.

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