Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and since I'm not doing another VGC analysis until next week, you'll just have to settle for this!
So, I've mentioned in several of my pervious posts that I'm an English major in real-life, and that requires me to study and learn a lot about everything. Even some of the most obscure cultures and traditions the world over. As result, I get exposed to a lot of fascinating ideas and concepts that I've come to believe would make phenomenal pokemon should Nintendo ever decide to branch out a bit more. As I go through them, I'm be sure to list what I think their Type should be, their possible abilities, and maybe a name if I can manage something witty enough. That being said, let's jump in.
1) The Ahuizotl
So, I've mentioned in several of my pervious posts that I'm an English major in real-life, and that requires me to study and learn a lot about everything. Even some of the most obscure cultures and traditions the world over. As result, I get exposed to a lot of fascinating ideas and concepts that I've come to believe would make phenomenal pokemon should Nintendo ever decide to branch out a bit more. As I go through them, I'm be sure to list what I think their Type should be, their possible abilities, and maybe a name if I can manage something witty enough. That being said, let's jump in.
1) The Ahuizotl
![[Image: 23ro113.jpg]](http://i57.tinypic.com/23ro113.jpg)
I love Aztec mythology (also known as Nahua), and if you study their mythos, it's full of bizarre creatures like this one. But the reason I chose the ahuizotl (ow-ee-zoh-tl) is because it has one of the easier names to pronounce, and I think the idea of a monkey-jaguar with a fifth appendage at the end of its tail just screams pokemon! This thing is known for having a tricky nature, and stories course throughout Mesoamerica of the ahuizotl drowning their prey, as well as unsuspecting traveller. Thus, I think this thing would make an excellent Dark/Water-Type. The Dark-Type to reflect its mischievious nature, and Water-Type becuase it supposedly lives and hunts near rivers in the jungle. For an ability, I think the ahuizotl pokemon could have Long Reach. That's makes sense, right? If not, I think Intimidate would work too. As for a name, the since the Nahuatl word for jaguar is ocelotl, and the Spanish word for 'wicked, evil' is mal, how about Malcelotl? It would mean wicked jaguar, and I think that'd be amazing!
2) The Huitzilin
![[Image: 3652790D483351FE711A2C51FE6F1B.jpg]](http://fotos.miarroba.es/fo/8525/3652790D483351FE711A2C51FE6F1B.jpg)
![[Image: 3652790D483351FE711A2C51FE6F1B.jpg]](http://fotos.miarroba.es/fo/8525/3652790D483351FE711A2C51FE6F1B.jpg)
Can you tell I'm a fan of Nahuatl culture? Gees. Sorry, but I just couldn't pass this one up either. The Nahua huitzilin (weet-zil-in) is said to be the emissary of the divine god Huitzilopochtli. I'm not sure why it's taken Nintendo so long to give us a hummingbird pokemon, but I think this is fantastic opportunity! The huitzilin, and by extension Huitzilopochtli, is the Nahuatl god of fire, and the patron god of the cardinal direction South. Therefore, I think an appropriate typing for this hummingbird would be Fire/Flying. I know we have plenty of those already, but since Huitzilopochtli is also the god of war, I think making this thing a mixed attacker with lots of Speed would be the way to go. As for an ability, I really don't know. But maybe since it's the god of war and fire, every time a pokemon of that type enters the field it can get an Attack boost? Just food for thought. As for its name though, I'm thinking Huitzing. A mix of huitzilin, and humming, to reflect its origins as both a hummingbird and a Nahuatl deity.
3) The Binturong
![[Image: c8b89f785ed6eac03454ec8caf45c594.jpg]](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c8/b8/9f/c8b89f785ed6eac03454ec8caf45c594.jpg)
![[Image: c8b89f785ed6eac03454ec8caf45c594.jpg]](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c8/b8/9f/c8b89f785ed6eac03454ec8caf45c594.jpg)
Here's the first case of a real-life creature and not some folktale or myth. The binturong is native to southeast Asia and inhabits many of its tropical forests. You don't see these things in the wild very often because unfortunately, they're endangered. Mostly because of deforestation. Mostly omnivorous, these critters will get their paws on just about anything that can fit in their mouths. You'll commonly see them in zoos where they're reported to be playful and sneaky. It is also commonly known as the bearcat, but it's actually a member of the weasel family. Since this thing lives in rainforests, I think the Grass/Water typing would be appropriate for this adorable little omnivore. For an ability, it could have Run Away to remind everyone that it's endangered, but a more competitive ability would probably be Adaptability. Just to remind everyone that there's still a chance for it to make a comeback. As for a name...Ambilis, 'both cats'. Feel free to suggest other ones in the comments below!
4) The Tardigrade
![[Image: blog-2e209.jpg?v=1.0.0]](http://www.tardigrade.in/img/content/blog-2e209.jpg?v=1.0.0)
![[Image: blog-2e209.jpg?v=1.0.0]](http://www.tardigrade.in/img/content/blog-2e209.jpg?v=1.0.0)
This is pretty iconic photo, but in case you've miraculously never seen it before, this is a tardigrade. Sometimes referred to as a water bear. I'll keep it short, these guys are virtually unkillable. I never truly understood the science behind these things, and you're feel to search it for yourself if you want, but there's something about the way these little guys are built that let's them withstand just about any environment/condition that gets throw their way. They're also incredibly small. This is what's known as a microorganism, and this particular photo I believe has been magnified 1000 times! That's how tiny these guys are. For a type, I think a plain Normal-Type would reflect their neutral palette perfectly. Since this pokemon is probably going to be completely defensive, Filter might be good. Then again, that could make it overpowered and, welll...unkillable. Instead maybe Immunity. That way it can't be Toxic-stalled. As for a name, I think Omnivor. That's a mix of omni, the prefix for 'all, all-encompassing' and 'survivor.' I think that's pretty fitting.
5) The Dingonek
![[Image: dingonek-2_flanar.png]](http://img.mumbaye.de/vmn/image/upload/b_rgb:000,o_70,c_scale,h_405,w_750,e_blur:1114/c_fit,h_405,w_750,l_dingonek-2_flanar/w_700,dpr_1.0,q_auto/v1476309035/dingonek-2_flanar.png)
![[Image: dingonek-2_flanar.png]](http://img.mumbaye.de/vmn/image/upload/b_rgb:000,o_70,c_scale,h_405,w_750,e_blur:1114/c_fit,h_405,w_750,l_dingonek-2_flanar/w_700,dpr_1.0,q_auto/v1476309035/dingonek-2_flanar.png)
And the last one I have to share with you guys comes from African folklore. The dingonek, which is depicted in this image in the lower lefthand corner, is sometimes known as "The Jungle Walrus." It is supposedly a scaly, reptile like creature that lives in the Congolese jungles, specifically the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is also reported to live in rivers, and have massive saber-tooth teeth, hence the name Jungle Walrus. While the reports of its size haven't been consistent, this thing has been frequently sighted by travelers and native for centuries, so maybe there's actually some truth to thing one? Who knows, but either way, this thing would make such a cool pokemon! Since it lives in the jungle, I think the dingonek should also have the Water/Grass typing, because of it living in jungle rivers. As for the ability, Strong Jaw might be appropriate because of that massive mouth we can see there. And for a name, how about Congodile? That way it pays homage to its roots in Congolese folklore, and lets everyone know that it's a saber-toothed crocodile-like reptile? I like it, so I'd name it that.
Well, those are all the cool pokemon I have thought of. Feel free to suggest ones you'd love to see in the comments below. I think all of these creatures would make amazing pokemon, and fingers crossed that Nintendo decides to implement at least the ahuizotl in Gen 8. I'll read you all later, and battle onwards friends!
- 0kamii
Well, those are all the cool pokemon I have thought of. Feel free to suggest ones you'd love to see in the comments below. I think all of these creatures would make amazing pokemon, and fingers crossed that Nintendo decides to implement at least the ahuizotl in Gen 8. I'll read you all later, and battle onwards friends!
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder