Nov 2, 2017, 08:05 PM
- The Rainbow Rocket Battle Theme is a remix of the GSC Team Rocket Battle theme, but what you may not have noticed is the part between the intro and chorus is a remix of the Encounter! Team Rocket theme from those same games. What a cool Easter Egg!
- Upon meeting Giovanni, he says "If you insist on disrupting my plans, I shall make you feel a world of pain!" which is a direct reference to the many times Giovanni says "I shall make you feel a world of pain!" in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow.
- Rainbow Rocket has taken over the Aether Paradise, as you battle Giovanni in the room Lusamine has her frozen Pokemon in Sun and Moon, thos containers now filled with a red substance.
- Giovanni has Mewtwo, a possible reference to Pokemon The Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back! Another reference to Pokemon The Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back! is given when text appears saying Giovanni Strikes Back!
- Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon's Archie and Maxie are from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, implying they are from a non-Mega timeline. Ultra Sun and uUltra Moon's Ghetsis is from Pokemon Black and White. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon's Cyrus will most likely be from Diamond and Pearl, unless he uses Giratina Origin Forme.
- The Japanese overview trailer shows off a few extra details. Hapu's Mudsdale is Level 54, hinting at a longer maingame. One of Hapu's Pokemon have been replaced with a Golurk, who is now confirmed catchable in Alola. Hau gets a Noivern, who is also confirmed catchable in Alola.
- A brief clip of the Pokemon League's Champion Room is shown. Kukui is heavily implied to still be Champion, but we won't jump to conclusions, they've never revealed who the Champion of the game is, bar remakes.
- Upon encountering a Pokemon you've yet to catch, it appears Rotom-Dex will inform you you haven't caught this Pokemon.
- The Totem Stickers imply that more Totem Pokemon are going to be Version Exclusive. Lurantis implied to be version exclusive to Sun, and Salazzle in Moon. Totem Alolan Marowak is confirmed to be in the game so we will likely see it be exclusive to Pokemon Ultra Sun.
- The Battle Agency seems like a mix of the Battle Factory and the Pokemon World Tournament, being that you rent Pokemon and fight against 'Important Characters'.
Thanks for all the good times~