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[DISCUSSION] Trainer Name Ideas
Listed below are different names I have use for my trainers in the various games I own at present. I have had people ask me to help them come up with names, I will be happy to help just ask. What names have you used and why? I use a specific name for each game to better ID which game the pokémon  are from regardless of what game they are in. Others prefer a single name for a sense of continuity or some such. Everyone is different, post your thoughts below. :D

Pokémon Yellow:  Zash
Pokémon Diamond: Korrbin
Pokémon Heart Gold: Seren
Pokémon White 2: Galus
Pokémon Y:  Ezrah
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire: Taren
Pokémon Sun/Moon:  Vesper (the name I plan to use when the games are released)

Messages In This Thread
Trainer Name Ideas - by Dreaus Orik - Mar 8, 2016, 11:33 PM
RE: Trainer Name Ideas - by Excalibur0126 - Mar 9, 2016, 02:51 AM
RE: Trainer Name Ideas - by Dreaus Orik - Mar 9, 2016, 05:58 AM

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