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[DISCUSSION] Which Mtn. Dew Flavor is King?
Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and I am a caffeine addict!

Not really a pokémon-related post, but I feel as though I need to start branching out a little bit more with my content. After all, "All Our Favorite" will run out of Types eventually, and then I'll be left high and dry. I just want to be prepared. Not only that, but there are some pokémon you just can't use in VGC no matter how hard you try...Rampardos. Dodgy

I love Mtn. Dew! It's probably my favorite soda (this is not a paid advertisement). I bought a can of White Label today whilst waiting to be interviewed and it got me thinking about my favorite flavors. After thinking it over, I believe I have effectively narrowed down my top 3 favorite flavors of Mtn. Dew. In ascending order, we have:

3rd) Mtn. Dew - White Label
[Image: 51989406?wid=520&hei=520&fmt=pjpeg]
nd) Mtn. Dew - Code Red
 [Image: 1199-mtn-dew-code-red.png]
st) Mtn. Dew - Baja Blast
 [Image: f759d03c-63f2-43cf-9924-8cd2e2d403ba_1.b...a514c.jpeg]
Nothing beats that Taco Bell exclusive, and many a Code Red saw me through college. White Label is just a refreshing treat that I keep going back to. I really like anything with a tropical kick! Again, nothing pokémon-related today, but I'd love to get to the point where I can discuss anything I want with you guys and have it be totally cool. So be sure to let me know which flavor is your favorite down below! I look forward to seeing what you all think.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!

- 0kamii

P.S. Yes, for all you astute viewers. The title of this post is homage to singer Sade's song, "Your Love Is King." I highly recommend you check her out if you don't know who she is. She's really one-of-a-kind! Link to the song here.
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
I don't have caffeine!
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!
OG Mtn. Dew for me, but Code Red is great too.

hi fellow caffeine-addict
Thanks for all the good times~
(Sep 1, 2017, 08:53 PM)Anabel Wrote: OG Mtn. Dew for me, but Code Red is great too.

hi fellow caffeine-addict

I think code red is the best new flavor for sure, but baja blast is up there to. I pratically live on caffine, with the exception of coffee,
Mtn.Dew is the bast soda evur made

It isnt really a thing here, I think we only have the original green one, and it's much too sweet for my taste
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
make a mtn dew theme team xD

Lucky you. It's a pain to buy a soda every few hours.


Hello fellow caffeine addict. The OG flavor is pretty good too.


Code Red is probably my favorite common flavor. Baja is just my favorite because I don't get to have it all that often.


I get the feeling you mean the UK, right? I've heard that brands are kind of limited over there.


Not actually a bad idea! I'll see what that would entail.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@0kamii Sweden Tongue We have more strict food and drink laws here than in the US, regarding what chemicals and production methods and such are deamed healthy and sustainable, so many such American products are not sold here. We have plenty to choose from though Blush
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
The original.  It's great for waking up when my body still wants to stay asleep.  -__-;
I don't consume caffeine~
What is a signature and how do I get one?

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