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Dating rules for teenage girls
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Keeping the phone away, not asking about the ex or not being too desperate are some of the 17 rules. 17 Unwritten Rules Of Dating We All Should Follow. The dating game in today’s day and age is proving to be very fast-paced and energetic.

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Since most youngsters are opening themselves up to newer experiences and exploring newer people, dating has grown and evolved into a unique and separate arena of modern-day interactions. This chaotic arena comes with its own rules (read: modern rules of dating, unspoken rules of dating, rules of dating texting) and endless expectations. Navigating the dating landscape these days is confusing at its best, and deeply disappointing at its worst. That’s why the unwritten rules of dating become a necessity that should be diligently followed. To help you get a fresh perspective, we have an expert on board – counseling psychologist Kavita Panyam (Master’s in Psychology and international affiliate with the American Psychological Association), who has been helping couples work through their relationship issues for over two decades. What Are The 17 Unwritten Rules Of Dating? Table of Contents. Melissa Moeller wrote, “I could earn my master’s degree with the amount of time and energy it takes to determine whether or not my casual hookup actually has feelings for me.” She’s hit the mark, hasn’t she? The no-strings-attached world is tough to sail through for many of us. Who should pay the bill? How long should I wait before calling? Is this casual or serious? All these questions (and more) can get overwhelming at times. So, while these unspoken rules of dating are not some kind of magical fix to help you jump into a loving relationship, they are an easy way of figuring out how to go about the process. Dating is supposed to be more exciting than worrisome. To avoid your dating experience from becoming a highly tumultuous or confusing affair, here are a few simple tips for you to keep in mind during your dalliances. These are the basic ground rules for dating that you need to follow. 1. Arrive on time. What not to do in early stages of dating, you ask? Seeming too laid-back and pretending to be less interested than you actually are to gain the other person’s attention really does not seem to work. Trying to arrive late in order to downplay your efforts might make you seem frivolous rather than attractive. This is old-fashioned dating etiquette, but arriving on time is a must. It is the job of both individuals to value and respect time. If you are running late for genuine reasons, be sure to text or inform your date beforehand instead of showing up 30 minutes later without any explanation in advance. That will mean nothing but a lousy encounter. 2. Keep your expectations to a minimum – Modern rules of dating. The rules of dating someone new include keeping your emotional requirements in check. Not everyone around is looking for the same things as ourselves. It is necessary to gauge and identify the intentions of your date before jumping in with your needs. Do not disregard your expectations but take some time before showing all your cards. You don’t want to intimidate your date too soon, do you? A good way to keep your expectations in check is by gaining clarity by yourself – what are you looking for? Kavita explains, “Outline the purpose behind wanting to date. Is it short-term? Casual? For marriage? Then proceed to check whether your date is on the same page as you are. Being on different trajectories can get very messy, very quickly. So make sure there is a congruence in vision and intention.” 3. Give your date the space they need. One of the most important and defining rules of dating is to effectively give space and keep healthy relationship boundaries. While old-fashioned dating etiquette might teach you to jump into relationship labels and exclusivity tags sooner, modern-day dating just does not subscribe to that manual. Female dating rules have changed, and you have to get comfortable with the absence of labels. Kavita puts it best, “A common mistake that people make in the early stages of dating is trying to ‘seal the deal’ with gestures of commitment. Saying ‘I love you’, asking them to move in with you, or proposing marriage are milestones that should be reached very organically. Forcing them along the way is a recipe for disaster. Don’t try to ‘lock it in’ the first chance you get.” We are used to meeting so many people at once, that not everyone is eager to announce their loyalties too soon. Time is of the essence. So give your date the space to decide when it is time for them to be exclusive to you. Do not be disheartened either and use that same time to keep your options open. 4. Space out your interactions. Meeting often is great since it establishes that you are both ready to invest time into your dates. But one should try to not seem too overbearing or desperate. Take days off between dates to avoid smothering your potential partner. One of the most vital dating rules for men is not being a needy boyfriend. Just like you need rest days in between workouts to allow your muscles to recuperate, take rest days in your dating life to ease into the process. Do not exhaust yourself or the other person by having to constantly make efforts. Regular intervals will also ensure a good consistency of your presence in the other person’s life.

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