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[Day Care] International Day Care
If there is someone that gets bored today i would appriceate a HA snorunt and a HA nidoran(male). :D
Ivs arent very important.
(Feb 1, 2015, 02:04 AM)Max99 Wrote: If there is someone that gets bored today i would appriceate a HA snorunt and a HA nidoran(male).  :D
Ivs arent very important.

I still have some nidoran leftovers
Luxury Ball - Because they're worth it.
Nice, may i have one?
(Feb 1, 2015, 03:27 AM)Max99 Wrote: Nice, may i have one?

Sure^^ i add you
Luxury Ball - Because they're worth it.
My ign is Berlin

Thank you!
+ 1
(Feb 1, 2015, 04:10 AM)Max99 Wrote: My ign is Berlin

Thank you!
+ 1

Np i can get you the other one too if you want
Luxury Ball - Because they're worth it.
Yes please!
(Feb 1, 2015, 04:25 AM)Max99 Wrote: Yes please!

Wait i need to go find one^^
Luxury Ball - Because they're worth it.
Okey. :D
7.8/10 too much water
I need to wait till its gone

Edit: in about 2 hours
Luxury Ball - Because they're worth it.

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