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Eeveelution Help!
I just got a modest shiny evs with perfect ivs in all but att. What to evolve too! Any ideas? PS it is not HA unless...... does ability capsules grant HAs too?
you could go alot of ways the special attacks are all but leafeon, flareon, and umbreon so cant use them to their fullest potential but the 5 other would be cool, obviously sylveon is one of the best choices but just go with the one your like :D
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Sylveon's Pixilate is HA.. so maybe Glaceon is the best option (it doesn't need HA so much, it's a special attacker, but shiny version is not so different from the normal).

Ability capsule cannot change between Hidden and standard abilities, just between 2 standard abilities.
Sylveon all the way brah!! such an awesome shiny!

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