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[FOR TRADE] FT - Shiny's. LF (Inside)
Shiny Pokemon
Cubone - Adament - Lightning Rod - 5iv
Trapinch - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - 5iv
Scyther - Imphish - Technician - 5iv
Honedge - Quiet - No Guard - 5iv
Litten - Adamant - Blaze - 2iv

Choice Band
Life Orb
Focus Sash

Aegislash - Quiet - Stance Change - 5iv
Garchomp - Jolly - Rough Skin - 5iv
Salamence - Adamant - Intimidate - 5iv
Golisopod - Adamant - Emergency Exit - 6iv
Espeon - Timid - Synchronize - 5iv
Flygon - Jolly - Levitate - 5iv
Gyarados - Adamant - Intimidate - 5iv
Kangaskhan - Impish - Scrappy - 5iv
Ditto - Adamant - Limber - 6iv

Looking For
Tapu Koko - Timid - Good Iv's
Tapu Lele - Timid - Good Iv's
Kartana - Jolly/Adamant - Good Iv's
Whatever is viable in VGC

Also looking for someone to help me evolve my scyther.
I will give you something above in return.

I'll help! Heart
(Nov 30, 2016, 02:15 PM)Hatonacat Wrote: I'll help! Heart

Okay, thank you. < 3 It might take a second though, I forgot I don't have a metal coat. lol. Did you want anything in return?
(Nov 30, 2016, 02:10 PM)SavioR Wrote:
Can I help too I really want a shiny kangaskhan
@SavioR I have a Timid Tapu Lele with 3 IVs (Sp Atk., Speed, and Defence) and Timid Nature.
I'd like the Shiny Trapinch if it's avaliable and this sounds like a good Tapu Lele to you!

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