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[FOR TRADE] ORAS shinies for S/M shinies
Hey guys so, for me, I can't transfer any of my pokemon from ORAS to S/M when they release the update etc to allow it to do so if it's through poke bank. So I was thinking why not trade it off to others who may have poke bank for shinies from S/M, if that makes sense. I'm willing to offer maybe 2 for 1 depending on the shiny like if it's BR etc and all that stuff. I may have multiples of some of these pokemon, so if someone else has the same interest as you, No worries! you both will be able to grab one Smile

Pokemon from ORAS that I have for trade: (All are shiny and BR, if you need more details just comment)

-some JAP dittos with destiny knots (these can be given out for free lol since I got no use for em)
-More to be added this list is already a bit long haha

What I'm interested in / looking for: (Shiny except for the legendaries from S/M)

-BR Toxipex
-tsareena BR if possible (not sure if there's a competitive set for this yet lmao)
-BR decidueye
-BR drampa
-BR Palossand
-BR dhelmise
-BR ninetales (alolan)
-BR Salazzle
-BR Solgaleo
-BR Lunala
-BR Araquanid

other pokemon offers always welcome those above are just what i'm looking for Smile

That's it for now, on the side note let's all be good community members and not scam. It makes your life, my life, and everyone else life a little more complicated over a little game issue. You know it, I know it, we all know it, scamming is bad and it puts everyone in a bad mood. Lets be little angels and follow the rules now shall we? Angel

Thanks once again for understanding

Previously known as Julia234

Messages In This Thread
ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 12:27 AM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 10:20 AM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 11:05 AM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 11:26 AM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 11:38 AM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 11:42 AM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 12:28 PM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 12:31 PM
RE: ORAS shinies for S/M shinies - by Colette - Dec 3, 2016, 12:40 PM

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