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[FOR TRADE] pokemon give away *& help with my pokedex, please *
i have a lot of baby lv 1 pokemon to giveaway... i also need more space in my pc... in pokemon x

nidoran (F) *normal pokeball & heal ball*

gentle nature, with rivalry
2x gentle nature, with hustle
3x careful nature, with rivalry

nidoran (M) *normal pokeball & heal ball*

gentle nature, with poison point
4x careful nature, with rivalry
3x careful nature, with poison point

dratini (M) *normal pokeball*

calm nature, with shed skin

dratini (F) *normal pokeball*

calm nature, with shed skin

eevee (M) *heal ball*

sassy nature, with run away
calm nature, with adaptability
bashful nature, with run away
lax nature, with run away
bashful nature, with adaptability
hardy nature, with run away
careful nature, with adaptability *lv 18*
naughty nature, with adaptability
lax nature, with adaptability

Plusle (M) *luxury ball*

3x serious nature, with plus
bashful nature, with plus
mild nature, with plus

2x jolly nature, with plus

plusle (F) *luxury ball*

lax nature, with plus
mild nature, with plus
jolly nature, with plus
naive nature, with plus

delibird (M) *heal ball*

quiet nature, with vital spirit

Delibird (F) *heal ball*

3x quiet nature, with vital spirit

clamperl (F) *dive ball*

bashful nature, with shell armor

eevee (F) *ultra ball*

2x jolly nature, with run away

eevee (M) *ultra ball*

2x jolly nature, with run away

hippopotas (F) *luxury ball*

docile nature, with sand stream

remoraid (M) *ultra ball*

jolly nature, with hustle

Yanma (F) *luxury ball*

3x bold nature, with compound eyes

Yanma (M)

bold nature, with compound eyes

murkrow (M) *ultra ball*

calm nature, with super luck
quiet nature, with super luck
brave nature, with insomnia
gentle nature, with insomnia
hasty nature, with insomnia
lonely nature, with insomnia
docile nature, with insomnia
hardy nature, with insomnia
impish nature, with insomnia

murkrow (F) *ultra ball*

jolly nature, with insomnia

eevee (M) *luxury ball*

brave nature, with adaptability
2x hardy nature, with run away
docile nature, with run away
2x modest nature, with run away
adamant nature, with run away
lonely nature, with adaptability
quiet nature, with run away
hasty nature, with adaptability
4x naive nature, with run away
sassy nature, with run away
naughty nature, with run away
mild nature, with run away
hasty nature, with run away
adamant nature, with adaptability
11x naive nature, with adaptability

eevee (F)

hasty nature, with run away

eevee (M) *great ball*

adamant nature, with run away
careful nature, with run away
calm nature with adaptability
2x bold nature, with adaptability
2x docile nature, with adaptability
quiet nature, with adaptability
rash nature, with adaptability
bashful nature, with adaptability
hasty nature, with adaptability
relaxed nature, with run away
relaxed nature, with adaptability

riolu (M) *normal pokeball* *and the move blaze kick*

hasty nature, with steadfast
adamant nature, with steadfast

2x rash nature, with steadfast
gentle nature, with steadfast
2x docile nature, with steadfast
jolly nature, with inner focus
2x bold nature, with steadfast
brave nature, with inner focus
quiet nature, with steadfast
hasty nature, with steadfast
lonely nature, with steadfast

riolu (F)

impish nature, with steadfast
quirky nature, with steadfast

*the eevee's i got while trying to hatch a female shiny eevee*

eevee (M) *luxury ball*

sassy nature, with adaptability
2x sassy nature, with run away
naughty nature, with adaptability
docile nature, with adaptability
mild nature, with run away
gentle nature, with run away
2x serious nature, with run away
docile nature, with run away
quirky nature, with run away
adamant nature, with run away
naughty nature, with run away
relaxed nature, with adaptability
impish nature, with run away
jolly nature, with run away
calm nature, with adaptability
naive nature, with run away
modest nature, with run away
serious nature, with adaptability
brave nature, with run away
relaxed nature, with run away
hasty nature, with run away
rash nature, with run away
timid nature, with adaptability

eevee (F)

naughty nature, with run away
modest nature, with run away
timid nature, with run away
hardy nature, with run away
mild nature, with adaptability

the pokemon i need for my pokedex are:

Central Kalos

002: Quilladin
005: Braixen
006: Delphox

007: Frogadier

019: Pidgeot
025: Butterfree
032: Simisear
034: Simipour
081: Ivysaur
084: Charmeleon
087: Wartortle
095: Dodrio
108: Bellossom
110: Furret
113: Shedinja
129: Spritzee
138: Munchlax
142: Exploud

Coastal Kalos

052: Rhyperior
070: Ferrothorn
101: Staraptor
121: Boldore
140: Mantine
143: Gorebyss
151: Articuno

Mountain Kalos

008: Garchomp
014: Shuckle
023: Escavalier
028: Victreebel

032: Gengar
035: Poliwrath
036: Politoed
042: Purrloin
044: Poochyena
046: Patrat
055: Lotad
057: Ludicolo
058: Buizel
066: Lampent

069: Magnemite
071: Magnezone
072: Voltorb
097: Sandshrew
101: Aggron

104: Tyranitar
109: Spearow
116: Gliscor
121: Wigglytuff

126: Gothita
128: Gothitelle
132: Teddiursa
133: Ursaring
135: Lickilicky
142: Deino
143: Zweilous
144: Hydreigon

my ign is charlotte
my friendcode is 3454-5385-1112 __________________
Hi i have a garchomp and a froakie would u be able to trade me a pokemon for them or swap for ones i dont have
(Jul 29, 2018, 02:13 PM)Primerakilla13 Wrote: Hi i have a garchomp and a froakie would u be able to trade me a pokemon for them or swap for ones i dont have

sure Smile   how about one of my female nidoran with hustle?

i added your fc & in-game name :3   *is your pokemon in-game name AZREAL? *
Sure and yes it is ima lil new to the whole friend thing on pokemon lol so just gimme a few to add u
(Jul 29, 2018, 02:59 PM)Primerakilla13 Wrote: Sure and yes it is ima lil new to the whole friend thing on pokemon lol so just gimme a few to add u

ok :3
I added u lol sorry i took 4ever
(Jul 29, 2018, 03:19 PM)Primerakilla13 Wrote: I added u lol sorry i took 4ever

i'm online on pokemon x now :3   i'm waiting for you :3
(Jul 29, 2018, 03:20 PM)manaphydaisuki Wrote:
(Jul 29, 2018, 03:19 PM)Primerakilla13 Wrote: I added u lol sorry i took 4ever

i'm online on pokemon x now :3   i'm waiting for you :3

I added u but i dont see u on my friends list in ruby do u see me
Its says your offline
(Jul 29, 2018, 03:27 PM)Primerakilla13 Wrote:
(Jul 29, 2018, 03:20 PM)manaphydaisuki Wrote:
(Jul 29, 2018, 03:19 PM)Primerakilla13 Wrote: I added u lol sorry i took 4ever

i'm online on pokemon x now :3   i'm waiting for you :3

I added u but i dont see u on my friends list in ruby do u see me

i don't see you in the friends list in my pokemon x game...

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