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[FRIEND SAFARI] Don't know my mons and looking for more friend safari's (will add all)
Hi guys, I don't know yet what type my friend safari is and I'm looking for some more friend safari's too shiny hunt. Please add me (2294 - 6307 - 1136), I will accept everyone. And please let me know which mons are in my safari Smile
just add meh
FC: 5043 2036 3279
(Feb 16, 2016, 02:08 PM)JoltikWebb Wrote: just add meh
FC: 5043 2036 3279

I did Smile
add me my FC is 2895 8942 5193
I'll add everyone that's here so far =)
Add me! Idk my safari pokemon yet, so let me know!
(Feb 16, 2016, 04:41 PM)TheOneAndOnlyKDG Wrote: 3496-9768-1674
Add me! Idk my safari pokemon yet, so let me know!

I added you as well
I added you, my FC is 4914 6559 6886 and my safari is fighting Smile
Added everyone above! Smile @TheOneAndOnlyKDG @boomshackalaka2 @JoltikWebb @sjihttam1996
(If I didn't tag you it is bc we are already friends!!)

FC: 1220 7901 9470

FLYING safari
I've got a rock friend safari with Magcargo, Dwebble, and Barbaracle.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

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