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[FRIEND SAFARI] Dragon type?
Anyone has a dragon friend safari with Dragonair?
add me bro thanks!
(May 2, 2016, 04:47 PM)wondabarapppa Wrote: add me bro thanks!
done, add me back
@wondabarapppa can you add me too. my friend code is 4914-7361-5220
(Jun 10, 2016, 08:25 AM)shadowwalker96 Wrote: @wondabarapppa can you add me too. my friend code is 4914-7361-5220

Can you guess add me too I want some pokemon please
(Jun 10, 2016, 03:02 PM)MysticTrainer312 Wrote:
(Jun 10, 2016, 08:25 AM)shadowwalker96 Wrote: @wondabarapppa can you add me too. my friend code is 4914-7361-5220

Can you guess add me too I want some pokemon please

I already added you. Just add me back in have fire type
Add me plz I have dark type :-) friend code 3110-8093-5163. Cheers
have added u all :-)
@ernest23-34 @shadowwalker96 @wondabarapppa @MysticTrainer312 @Cescone

I have added all of you. Please add me back! I have a Normal Safari. With Kecleon, Smeargle, and Aipom. Thanks! :D FC 2681-0820-0050
I added all of you.
@ernest23-34 @wondabarapppa @MysticTrainer312 @aspend123 

Please add me back

Safari Type: Water
1st & 2nd Pokémon: Bibarel, Azumarill
Third Pokémon: Wartortle
Hey guys i have a Dragon type safari on my new DS (i have 2 now) still working on the elite 4 so give me some time but for now it has Fraxure and Shelgon in it. If you add me please tag me so i can add you back

MY FRIEND CODE IS - 1951-2099-9818 (Not the one under my profile picture thats for my other ds lol)

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