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[FRIEND SAFARI] Friend Safari feel free to add me
Friend Code:1564 - 5335 - 1817
add me bruh  :D
add me thanks! 
add me also Smile
Not only @Raiyy but also @ernest23-34 , @wondabarapppa and @ellgie  add me back please ^^
(May 3, 2016, 06:24 AM)Dionysus Wrote: Not only @Raiyy but also @ernest23-34 , @wondabarapppa and @ellgie  add me back please ^^
added back Smile
You can add me as well
i added u all <3 but @ernest23-34 u have to add me aswell
Add me I have a water type safari with frogadere octillary and gyrados
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
add me! FC on the left

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