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[FRIEND SAFARI] I Need More People
Hello, I need more friends on my Safari. I'm looking for anyone that has a safari with Munna, but that doesn't matter, I want any type of safari. Reply Your Friend Codes. PS- In my safari, I have punkaboo,lampent,and spiritomb
FC: 3179-6241-0175

Thx :D :D :D :D Smile Smile Smile Smile
Feel free to add me, my nifo is on the side. i will add you. @AdrianPaul1
I've added you both :3
My FC is 4613-9049-5358
Added both :D
I added you Smile
I've added all of y'all my friend code is
My info is to the left just send me a private message so i can add u back Smile love having new friends
I added everyone above. Feel free to add me, but if you haven't already posted, make sure to PM me so I know you have. FS info on the side. Thanks!
Ok Guys, im starting to add ya'll

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