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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking for New Friend Safaris
Hey there everyone! 
I was palying pokemon X and I wanted to hunt for shiny pokemon in frend safari BUT, i never added anyone on my 3ds.
So if anyone could add me to help me in my shiny hunting...It will be awesome  Heart

My FriendCode: 1263-9878-6286

Also, I'm sorry for my bad english  :s
Hey, I'll add you! I think my Safari Type is Electric if you're interested!

My friend code is 4914-6940-3788

I added, just make sure you add me back so it'll register in both our friend lists~
I'll add you! The only problem is that i dont know my own friend safari, myself. -v- 

My FC is 0216-1051-6974
Add me too 1135-1489-1235
im currently looking for ferroseed and sigilyph safari if anyone so happen to, my safari is normal with teddiursa audino and eevee ~
I beleive i have a bug friend safari. Ill add you. Fc is 0044-3094-5420
I have a fire type safari Smile
FC: 2122 - 8810 - 7504
Idk my friend safari but feel free to add me & I'll add you back if you let me know you added me. 5129-5717-1574
Idk my friend safari type, but I could use more people on mine. Friend Code is 3797-9517-1950
Add me!

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