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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking for Specific Safaris
If anybody has Friend Safaris containing any of the following Pokemon, I'd certainly like to add your FC. Also, if you have access to any Safaris containing them, I'd be more than happy to trade you for the Pokemon themselves, if it suits you.

Snubbull (Provisionally added)
Spritzee (Provisionally added)

My goal is to obtain the HAs of each of these listed Pokemon, so I'd want to ensure unlocking access to all three members of a Safari. My own Safari contains Tranquill, Staravia, and Hawlucha.

i have Pikachu, Galvantula, and Dedenne in my friend safari
(Feb 10, 2015, 12:53 PM)Kitsune Wrote: i have Pikachu, Galvantula, and Dedenne in my friend safari

Added you, thanks. Hope to see you online once you friend me back.
Uh...bump. Anybody have any of these Safaris?

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