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[FRIEND SAFARI] Looking for some more friend safari's
(Sep 28, 2015, 02:38 PM)shadowjeff Wrote: hello there, i am pretty new to PokemonForever, and i am still looking to get some more friend for the pokemon safari.
FC: 3179-6484-8264
IGN: shadow
FS Type: normal
FS Pokemon: Dunsparce, Minccino, Smeargle

mostly looking for safari's with:
normal: Minccino, Eevee
electric: Emolga, Pikachu, Galvantula/Luxio
ghost: Lampent, Phantump
psychic: espurr, gothorita

the red one's are mostly wanted, the others are just the pokemons i am still missing in my safari's.
i have 33 slots left for friends so currently i will add anyone Smile but once i have less then 15 slots, the safari's i am looking for are priority.

have a nice day,

Is it alright to add you, I don't have the safari you need but I do need the safari that you have? Here is my info and request. I will add you and you can reply or pm me to delete you

Friend Code: 0576-4635-4933
IGN and 3ds name: Suzaku (X)
Friend Safari
Teddiursa,Loudred, and a third pokemon I don't know yet because I just beat the elite four three days ago

1. Anyone have a Yveltal i can touch trade to complete my Kalos regional dex. It is the only pokemon I am missing
2. For someone to tell me what the third pokemon is

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for some more friend safari's - by blackphoenixsuzaku - Sep 28, 2015, 04:55 PM

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