I am on a hunt for a Ditto safari. If you have one please add me and let me know.
FYI, my safari is a poison with Cascoon and Ariados. Not sure about the third yet.
(Oct 13, 2016, 09:25 PM)XPrime20 Wrote: Hey Rob Add Me I have dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto. Let me know when you do. So i can get online
Friend Code: 1650-5933-6181
I just did. Thank you so much. I've been very impressed how positive the communities are for this game. I was retired from Pokemon for about 12 years (Pokemon GO pulled me back in), so I'm a little overwealmed with all the game mechanic additions. I couldn't resist with X letting me basically get the whole Red team back together. Thank you again.
Same her ei got back into X missed a few generation. This game is awesome. Im getting into the advance things as well. Hit me up if anything I'll be around
(Oct 14, 2016, 09:43 PM)XPrime20 Wrote: Same her ei got back into X missed a few generation. This game is awesome. Im getting into the advance things as well. Hit me up if anything I'll be around