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[FRIEND SAFARI] looking for fcs for friends and friend safari
hello everyone on pokemon forever
do you have no friends
or dont know your friend safari
well then come on here and ill add you to my friends list and inform you on your friend safari
also i could tell you what pokemon are in your safari
so come on down to bammans friend and friend safari station :D
Add me, i have ORAS, so the safari does not help me, but it could help you. my FC is to the left
Shachi's a monster to go against -  wpendragon

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower. Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
I can always use more friends!

FC: 3437-4032-3720
IGN: Catie Bell
Add me too, I need Safari Smile
Me too Smile Please let me know once you add, so I can add you too Smile
Add me as well, Definitely need more people for friend safari
Fc: 3110-6563-6860
i added everyone i dont have already, if you don't mind <3
FC: 1006 - 0602 - 7552
IGN: Phendrana
FS Type: Fire
FS Pokemon: Slugma, Magmar, and Ninetails
do any of you want to know your friend safari types and mons
Add me
Fc 1865-2285-4479
Ign: tam
I added you. I have no friends that have Pokemon so it would be really cool to get some.

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