Apr 1, 2017, 09:02 PM
(Mar 30, 2017, 07:11 PM)fallenlordbr Wrote: @Mimifukyu or anyone interested!
My pokes for trade (All of them, if its possible, has 3 or 4 EM)
DREAM BALL HA : absol, aerodactil, anorith, bulbasaur, carvanha, charmander, clefairy, cranidos, driflom, drilbur, durant, ekans, goldeen, gothita, illumise, lapras, karrablast, kabuto, kanghaskan, krabby, nidoran (both), larvitar, lileep, meowth, mudkip, omastar, porygon, poliwag, ryhorn, roselia, rotom, scyther, seedot, shieldon, shellder, shuckle, sigilyph, snover, solosis, spiritomb, squirtle, stunky, tauros, tentacool, torchic, trapinch, treecko, turtwig, venipede, volbeat, wailmer, zangoose, zubat
LOVE BALL HA: absol., buneary, cutiefly, feebas, dratini, glble, grubbin, eeveee, fomantis, jangmoo, jiglybuff, koffin, lapras, komala, mawhile, Pikachu, shroomish, stantler, A-Vulpix
FRIEND BALL HA: axew, bellsprout, carbink, chikotita, exeggute, larvitar, scyther
HEAVY BALL HA: bagon, beldum*, geodude, heracross, honedge, jangmo, lucario, magikarp, magnamite, snorlax, wimipod
LURE BALL HA: bidoof, dhelmise mareani, slowpoke, snorlax, Totodile
MOON BALL HA: Axew, gastly, hopip, larvitar, mimikyu, murkrow, ralts, trevenant and venipede
FASTBALL HA: Bagon, Baltoy, Buiziel and elekid
LEVEL BALL HA: abra, larvitar, pidgey, sandygast
SPORTSBALL HA: caterpie, weedle, nincada, kriketune
Hello, I'm looking for the HA venipede's you're offering. Is there anything you're looking for in particular?