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[FUN] PokemoN tournemant
Hello everybody today I decided to do a prize tournemant  prizes will be given to the top 3 Pokemon trainers who come in first second and third

this is how the format will be

The 8 ppl tourny

Ill be be playing as 2 people

 now that the list is up (down below)  we can all begin our  first battle

    After the battle THIS IS A MUST----- YOU MUST SAVE YOUR BATTLE VIDEO and I need to see it. Record it somehow and email it to me my email is

this is to ensure that both parties are telling the truth

so get ready with your Pokemon and have fun

This will be a 6v6

Heres he setup

#1 pattyback11 vs.. Politoad will be battleing

#2 then it's Itsov  vs.  unlucky shiny hunter

#3  winner of both of those will battle

 #4 johnnyspygun vs Ozmodayis

#5. raitudas  vs pattyback11

#6  winner of 4 & 5 will battle

winner of # 3 & 6 wil battle 

the top 3 will be given special prizes. (The 3rd spot will be the person who lost to second place)

Now get each other friend codes and no cheating please 

once again the format will be 1-1 all Pokemon battle lvl restricted all set to 50 and last but not least Kalos rules

good luck and may the best of me all win
i would like to join just tell me when i need to friend my enemy
(Mar 20, 2016, 05:54 PM)itsov Wrote: i would like to join just tell me when i need to friend my enemy's 

wel so so far there's only 2 of us I need 6 more ppl. Ask around if ppl want to join
I'll join! I'll enter with my partner Garchomp
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
I'm interested, but will this be 6v6?
(Mar 21, 2016, 06:14 AM)UnluckyShinyHunter Wrote: I'm interested, but will this be 6v6?

it will be 6v6
#7 this an anything goes 6v6 match up? we can use anything or are we limited to something?, anyways Yes im interested
can i participate?

add me if i can plz
I would love to join, is it singles or doubles
(Mar 23, 2016, 11:09 AM)PolitoedPilots Wrote: I would love to join, is it singles or double your in so is everyone else all of us

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