Feb 6, 2016, 11:12 AM
(This post was last modified: Feb 8, 2016, 05:57 AM by 42max Turtke.)
Ok! So this tournament is for the 5 regions (Not counting Kanto).
1.Only use pokemon from that specific region
2.Tourneys last for two days! Only two days to see who wins!
3.Save the Battle videos and send me the code. Only the winner of the battle does this.
4.Have Fun!
Johto league:1 Free Shiny Johto Pokemon (That I have)
Hoenn League:1 Free Shiny Hoenn Pokemon(That I have)
Sinnoh League:1 Free Shiny Sinnoh Pokemon(That I have)
Unova League:1 Free Shiny Unova Pokemon(That I have)
Kalos League:1 Free Shiny Kalos Pokemon(That I have)
Champions League:1 Free Shiny Pokemon(That I have)
Johto League Challengers:
Hoenn League Challengers:Jdawg, Chocolate_Banane_Pokemon
Sinnoh League Challengers:Johnnyspyguy
Unova League Challengers:Colette, Asdfhjkl
Kalos League Challengers
johnnyspyguy, Colette, Breeder_Falkon
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Comment your IGN, FC, and League you wanna join in the comments and I'll update the thread later!
SHINY PRIZES (For Winners)
Johto Winners: Non-Shiny Celebi, (The Rest are Shiny)Feraligatr, Shuckle, Politoed, Meganium, Porygon2, Entei, Ampharos, Miltank
Hoenn Winners: Sceptile, Swampert, Blaziken, Gardevoir, Shroomish, Rayquaza, Metagross, Breloom, Wailord, Latias, Minun, Kyogre, Swalot
Sinnoh Winners: Spiritomb, Darkrai, Staraptor, Garchomp, Electivire, Shaymin, Drifblim, Manaphy, Skuntank, Empoleon, Leafeon, Arceus, Lopunny, Ambipom, Rotom-W, Dusknoir, Roserade, Giratina
Unova Winners: Stunfisk, Samurott, Audino, Zebstrika, Serperior, Cottonee, Simipour, Genesect, Golurk, Reshiram, Chandelure, Mienshao, Bisharp, Tepig, Emboar, Haxorus
Kalos Winners: Pangoro, Sylveon, Xerneas, Talonflame, Pyroar
Johto Challenge/League:
Hoenn Challenge/League:
Sinnoh Challenge/League:
Unova Challenge/League:
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette Winner:Colette
Colette Vs. Asdfhjkl Winner:Colette
Kalos Challenge/League:
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Johnnyspyguy Winner:CharizardSoOP21
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette Winner:Colette
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Breeder_Falkon
Johnnyspyguy vs. Colette Winner:Colette
Colette vs. Johnnyspyguy code:KA9W-WWWW-WW3G-UXUZ
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette code:HSPG-WWWW-WW3G-U3AW
CharizardSoOP vs. Johnnyspyguy code:TQUG-WWWW-WW3G-U3DC
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette Code:
Colette vs. Asdfhjkl Code:ZNPG-WWWW-WW3H-4HFB
1.Only use pokemon from that specific region
2.Tourneys last for two days! Only two days to see who wins!
3.Save the Battle videos and send me the code. Only the winner of the battle does this.
4.Have Fun!
Johto league:1 Free Shiny Johto Pokemon (That I have)
Hoenn League:1 Free Shiny Hoenn Pokemon(That I have)
Sinnoh League:1 Free Shiny Sinnoh Pokemon(That I have)
Unova League:1 Free Shiny Unova Pokemon(That I have)
Kalos League:1 Free Shiny Kalos Pokemon(That I have)
Champions League:1 Free Shiny Pokemon(That I have)
Johto League Challengers:
Hoenn League Challengers:Jdawg, Chocolate_Banane_Pokemon
Sinnoh League Challengers:Johnnyspyguy
Unova League Challengers:Colette, Asdfhjkl
Kalos League Challengers

Good Luck and Have Fun!
Comment your IGN, FC, and League you wanna join in the comments and I'll update the thread later!
SHINY PRIZES (For Winners)
Johto Winners: Non-Shiny Celebi, (The Rest are Shiny)Feraligatr, Shuckle, Politoed, Meganium, Porygon2, Entei, Ampharos, Miltank
Hoenn Winners: Sceptile, Swampert, Blaziken, Gardevoir, Shroomish, Rayquaza, Metagross, Breloom, Wailord, Latias, Minun, Kyogre, Swalot
Sinnoh Winners: Spiritomb, Darkrai, Staraptor, Garchomp, Electivire, Shaymin, Drifblim, Manaphy, Skuntank, Empoleon, Leafeon, Arceus, Lopunny, Ambipom, Rotom-W, Dusknoir, Roserade, Giratina
Unova Winners: Stunfisk, Samurott, Audino, Zebstrika, Serperior, Cottonee, Simipour, Genesect, Golurk, Reshiram, Chandelure, Mienshao, Bisharp, Tepig, Emboar, Haxorus
Kalos Winners: Pangoro, Sylveon, Xerneas, Talonflame, Pyroar
Johto Challenge/League:
Hoenn Challenge/League:
Sinnoh Challenge/League:
Unova Challenge/League:
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette Winner:Colette
Colette Vs. Asdfhjkl Winner:Colette
Kalos Challenge/League:
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Johnnyspyguy Winner:CharizardSoOP21
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette Winner:Colette
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Breeder_Falkon
Johnnyspyguy vs. Colette Winner:Colette
Colette vs. Johnnyspyguy code:KA9W-WWWW-WW3G-UXUZ
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette code:HSPG-WWWW-WW3G-U3AW
CharizardSoOP vs. Johnnyspyguy code:TQUG-WWWW-WW3G-U3DC
CharizardSoOP21 vs. Colette Code:
Colette vs. Asdfhjkl Code:ZNPG-WWWW-WW3H-4HFB
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around