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[FUN] UU match anyone?
I'm looking for UU matches. I'm not super competitive but hey, it should be fun. Tag me if you're up!
@"le2017" I can battle ya; wanna do it on Thursday afternoon?
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
(Jun 28, 2016, 03:36 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: @"le2017" I can battle ya; wanna do it on Thursday afternoon?

I'm sorry but I'll have to decline your offer @nightburstpkmn I'm going to France and I'm taking the plane on this day Sad But we'll battle later don't worry Smile
@"le2017" Oh ok that's fine Smile I hope you have a fun trip to France :D
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
(Jun 28, 2016, 03:41 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: @"le2017" Oh ok that's fine Smile I hope you have a fun trip to France :D

@nightburstpkmn Thank you friend Smile
(Jun 29, 2016, 09:48 AM)le2017 Wrote: Anyone?

just wondering what is UU and if it's anything besides singles cause I'm not really  a singles then I'm in
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat
(Jul 2, 2016, 08:55 AM)Pattyback11 Wrote:
(Jun 29, 2016, 09:48 AM)le2017 Wrote: Anyone?

just wondering what is UU and if it's anything besides singles cause I'm not really  a singles then I'm in

@Pattyback11 It's a Singles Smogon tier.
What's that
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat
(Jul 2, 2016, 01:38 PM)Pattyback11 Wrote: What's that

@Pattyback11 Basically, Smogon is a community which classes Pokemon into tiers based on usage stats, so they ban certain Pokemon from certain tiers (Ex. Mew two from OU) to allow the usage of Pokemon that might not be good in a certain metagame in another one with less powerful threats which allows you to, for example, be able to use a Corsola without being OHKO'ed by everything, such as a Dragonite, since the other Pokemon in the tier will be less powerful too. It also bans certain moves like evasion/Swagger to make the game less luck-based and more based on talent and strategy. If you want more info I'd suggest you go to their website.
So do you want to battle?

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