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Favorite Video Game Ost!
Ok so after being under a rock for the past year and a half, I finally managed to stumble accross Anamanaguchis latest album Endless Fantasy which I can only describe as Crack for the ears....(seriously check them out if you dont know who they are) It got me to thinking if I had missed out on other great game music through out the years.

So what is your Favourite Ost you would reccomend?

My favs would have to be tied between Final Fantasy 7-Buckey O Hare- Scott Pilgrim.... Soundtracks like those simply can't be beat < < See what I did there lol.
Persona 4 or Rock Band (though I'm pretty sure the latter is cheating)
Are you talking about Arena? Yeah Rock Band had an extrodinary Ost ....however did they manage that lol.
Super Mario Galaxy for sure!

A few of my favorite songs from the ost are:
Ghostly Galaxy
Comet Observatory (3)
and Gusty Garden Galaxy

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