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[GIVEAWAY] 6IV Eevee Giveaway
Ill be offline all day. I reccomend no one deposits, to avoud sniping.
(Jun 27, 2016, 05:45 AM)Johnnyspyguy Wrote: Are reservations allowed? If so, I would like to reserve one
Pokemon deposited caterpie  male

lvl 2

game Seinfeld OMEGA RUBY

ign pat

message. Eevee
To help take Everyone a True Pokemon Master!!! That is my misson
FC:2122-9982-9277. IGN pat
(Jun 26, 2016, 01:10 PM)krekire Wrote: Pokemon Deposited - tropius male
Pokemon Level - 1
Game Using - xy
IGN - betty white
Requested Nature - calm

ill add ur friend code too if that doesnt work thnx
@Pattyback11 sniped. 
@mcoppotelli sniped.
direct tradde me
Would it be possible for me to get a modest or bold eevee through direct trade?
Pokemon Deposited - Slowpoke
Pokemon Level - 24
Game Using - Pokémon X
IGN - Shin Kitsune
Requested Nature - Modest
Message - @krekire
Could I get a Modest Eevee through direct trade whenever you're next online please?
I'll leave my request. Since you'll be offline I'd like to reserv one, please.
I like to ask for an Nature too, Timid would be perfect! Thank you!
Pokemon Deposited -shinx
Pokemon Level -1
Game Using - pokemon y
IGN - Tom

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