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I would like one of those Ditto. I've already added you and patiently await for Ditto

Thanks lots for the give away Heart
I  would like one of those Ditto. 
My friend cod​​​​​e us 2294.7880.1451.
(Apr 8, 2016, 08:18 AM)Total-Insanity Wrote: I would like one of these ditto 
I would like one of those Ditto.
Are you still giving them away?
I have pokemon Y and I added your friend code :D
Hi, if you are still giving away those dittos, I would like to recieve one of them. My IGN is Marco and the friend code is 0018-4092-5318. I am leaving on the GTS a lv 2 Wurmple,male, trade mess: INSANITY. If you prefer to trade without GTS it doesn't matter. Thanks
I would like one of those Ditto. 
I've added your FC
My FC is 4914-6436-7641 and I really hope to be one of the lucky people that may receive such wonderful pokemon
Can you give me a Ditto?
My FC is 0276 1587 9894 and my IGN ilno

Tks a lot Smile
I would like one of those Ditto. Smile FC added.
I would like one of those Ditto.
My FC is 0791-2003-1921
Thanks so much Smile

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