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User: @br3ndy 
Form: Shiny pls
Pokemon requested: Silvally
Pokemon Deposited: Diglett-A
Level: 8
Gender: Female 
IGN: Emilia 
It's ok that I got sniped I'll just take this one instead

Pokemon Requested: Wishiwashi
Pokemon Deposited: Wishiwashi
Level of deposited: 60
Gender of deposited: Female
IGN: Murkus
@ShinIori319 Hatonacat is no more available in this GA! Sorry...
 Just give yourself to love! Love love love love--NO!

If anybody has gotten their requested mon since my last post, it's not from me.

Also, I'm not doing this anymore. I just don't have the time. Sorry to anyone who wanted something from me.
@Altovato sent

@Hatonacat if you dont mind, can you edit the 1st post with whoever already finished with their GA so ppl wont request anymore? Smile
User: @br3ndy 
Form: shiny
pokemon requested: dragonite
pokemon deposited: diglett-a
level deposited: 11
gender deposited: female
IGN: thijsdj123
Sorry i didn't read the rules very good so here is my new request 
User: @br3ndy 
Form: shiny
pokemon requested: kommo-o
pokemon deposited: diglett-a
level deposited: 11
gender deposited: female
IGN: thijsdj123
@Thijsdj123 sorry you still didnt read the rules carefully.
please read again before making request, its not that hard to understand :D
User: @Omradem 
Form: Shiny
Pokemon Requested: Minior
Pokemon Deposited: Meowth-A
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of deposited: Female
IGN: Ian

Thank you so much!! <3  Smile
Big Grin 
@element_x49 Sent! :D
 Just give yourself to love! Love love love love--NO!

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