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[GIVEAWAY] All Starters Shiny give away
What level do I ask for and what gender
Pokemon wanted: feraligatr
pokemon deposited: Rockruff (Serpents)
lvl pokemon dep: 1
gender pokemon dep: male
IGN: Celeste

are we allowed to have one of each?
Pokémon wanted Incineroar
Pokemon deposited Pichu (forgot to rename)
Level 3
Gender Male
IGN Conner
IGN: Serena
Put up a Rockruff asking for Delphox. The nickname cant be changed since I got it in a trade, but I hope I can still get it. The name of Rockruff is Thomaz
thanks in advance Wink
Thanks for all the good times~
Pokemon wanted: Sceptile
Pokemon deposited: rockruff (Serpents)
     lvl 11, female

IGN: Nicole

Thank you!
ign: Redryno121
pokemon wanted: charizard
pokemon deposited: rockruff
deposited pokemon lv: 1
the comment is :  i want to fill my pokedex
IGN: Adrian
Requested Starter: Shiny Charizard 
Deposited: Pichu(Serpents) lvl.1 Female

I requested any for gender and set the level to 91 or higher. 

Thanks for this Giveaway.
Deposited: Rockruff
nickname: Serpents
lvl: 11
gender: female
requested: charizard level 91-100
ign: Jay

thank you
Pokemon wanted Froakie
pokemon deposited pichu(Serpent)
level 1 
gender male

I play oras.

Thank you very much I even wrote on the description serpentking
Pokemon requested: Chimchar
pokemon deposited: lvl 8 male pichu
lvl: 5
Gender: Female
IGN: Zero

Thanks in Advance

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