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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA

name: Mewtwo
Pokemon deposited: Zoroark
Gender: Female
Level of Pokemon: 50
Message on GTS: Angel

Is only 1 the limit?
Also Shiny male Jellicent would be one I'd look forward to.
Thanks for telling me about this by the way
Waw that was fast thank
Can just request for an entei
Name: mario
Pokemon Deposited: shuppet
Gender of Pokemon: male
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: Angel
Pokemon wanted: Entei jolly
Sorry just realized i typed 0 iv speed without ditto on my last post
Thank you Smile
Thank you for the crobat, shes amazing! For suggestions I took a long time to think it over, but I would love to see..

- Dream ball female Eevee (shiny or not, though there are a lot of people seeking female shinies. Also HA if possible)

- Shiny Celebi. It's actually possible, though its near impossible. I would understand if you decide to not take this up, but it would be absolutely amazing

- Shiny Latias & Latios

- Smeargle with dark void while keeping sketch

- Maybe Jirachi

- Maybe Diancie
name: maia
Pokemon deposited: vulpix
Gender: female
Level of Pokemon: 9
Message on GTS: Angel

a hoopa pls :3
IGN: Alexandra
POkemon Deposited Braixen
Gender Female
Level 30
Message Angel

Gengar ^^
can i have a entei?
ign: Ash
pkmn: swablu
Gender: female
level: 16
message: Derp
Pokemon Deposited: Eevee
Gender of Pokemon: Female
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message: Angel.

May have receive a Gliscor please

thank you Smile
Bro I need that Lando T man
Omg you're a life saver!

IGN Jake lol
Pokemon Kangaskhan lv 1 "6IV"
Message Angel

Thanks again for the other two !
My second Pokemon I asked for, the Poke got sniped, can I have the shiny suicune as my second Pokemon please? ♥

name: kawaii chan
Pokemon deposited: Machop
Gender: female
Level of Pokemon: 18
Message on GTS: Angel
Sylveon, use destroy everything!
It's super effective ~♥
You are my hero :D shiny mawile please!
Ign Atlas
Pokemon deposited Chespin
Level 26
Gender Female
Message Angel

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