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[GIVEAWAY] GEN 6: 7 spare shiny Wailmer for you guys
i have 7 shiny wailmer to spare from a hunt for shiny staryu (actually got it Smile).
I would be very happy to trade, you can have one for "free" (trade whatever you like) but if you want to do me a favor, here are some suggestions for pokemon i need:
Nidoran m
Nidoran f

Have fun out there!
Hello! Thank you for giving away your wailmers. I have an HA male nidoran if that interests you
(Mar 21, 2019, 07:50 AM)LordCanti Wrote: Hello! Thank you for giving away your wailmers. I have an HA male nidoran if that interests you

Hi! It does not need to be HA, bin i would definetly appreciate it Smile i would take one without HA aswell! and you´re welcome!
Its fine, I'll just put it in the gts, if that's ok with you
sure Smile if i am able to find it in oras, which level is your nidoran?
IGN: Diana
Pokemon: Male Nidoran
Regular pokeball
Gts message: please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance

actually, I'm playing SuMo, not ORAS. Sorry, I should've paid more attention

oh and its level 1
oh okay, sorry then, anyways have nice day!
Hi Jonny @omaschinken ,
I have some male Nidoran for you in ORAS. Please write me a PM to arrange a trade Smile
Have a great day!

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