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[GIVEAWAY] Gibles with Iron Head, Iron Tail, Outrage and Double Edge
So I have some breedjects from when I was trying to get a 6IV Garchomp, they're all Naughty (for those Mixed sets) have the egg moves listed above, some have Rough Skin (25 as of now) others have Sand Viel (9 as of now) and have 5 IVs.Take em pls, nobody paid attention to at TheReplayFlynn so yeah, take as many as you want!

1. leave a simple poke on the GTS and use your username as your phrase (the poke better be one that is hard to snipe, like a bidoof or a bunnelby) asking for a lvl 1 gible
2. Write the name of the poke, gender, level and your pokemon IGN following this format:

Bidoof, male, level 42, Alexia
3.I'll reply when it is sent, school can be busy so it's gonna be a little hard to give the mons everyday so be patient

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Gibles with Iron Head, Iron Tail, Outrage and Double Edge - by TeifitV - Jan 30, 2015, 08:50 PM

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