Okay, here is my small list of breedjects which I would like to give away. I can do it however you want. Through GTS or directly(though I prefer direct because I wanna add some friend safaris :P) I've left markers for most of the IVs, but there might be couple I've missed out on, sorry about that.
13 - Murkrow(most with HA Prankster)
46 - Larvesta(all with Flame Body)
10 - Kabutos
?? - Tangela (a couple with HA Regenerator)
0 - Mawile (adamant with HA Sheer Force) (Given all up, sorry)
Post and let me know if you guys want any of these.
EDIT: P.S. If you guys have a Swirlix with HA, that would be much appreciated. Though, you could just ask for what you need, this IS just a giveaway.
Post and let me know if you guys want any of these.
13 - Murkrow(most with HA Prankster)
46 - Larvesta(all with Flame Body)
10 - Kabutos
?? - Tangela (a couple with HA Regenerator)
0 - Mawile (adamant with HA Sheer Force) (Given all up, sorry)
Post and let me know if you guys want any of these.
EDIT: P.S. If you guys have a Swirlix with HA, that would be much appreciated. Though, you could just ask for what you need, this IS just a giveaway.
Post and let me know if you guys want any of these.