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[GIVEAWAY] Kyoger and Groudon Givaway! [Closed]
(Aug 17, 2016, 01:28 AM)Nipplesscage Wrote:
(Aug 16, 2016, 08:09 AM)Vapidjohnson Wrote: Hi I'm doing my first givaway! It's a lvl 100 shiny kyoger! It is going to be held ove gts so set to 91 or higher to avoid sniping. Im deciding on changing thing up and now its also a shiny lvl 100 groudon givaway! you can have 1 of each!

do this and post it so I can get it to you!            

Pokemon deposited:
Pokemon Wanted:
message:Vapid.          A 1+rep is appreciated!

Pokemon deposited: Spiritomb
Pokemon Wanted: Kyogure
gender: Female
Lvl: 54
Ign: Dont have one (is that an issue?)
message:Vapid. Homie chuck us a shiny, much appreciated if you do

How do you not have an IGN- (In game name)!!!
It means the name your character has in your 3DS game!
Pokemon Deposited:Clefairy 
Gender: Female
Ign: M
(Aug 17, 2016, 02:30 AM)ScarletSableye Wrote: ot have an IGN-

Oh I thought it was talking about IGN as in the game review thing. The in game name is Jack
Nice giveaway!

Pokemon deposit: Gulpin
Pokemon wanted: Groudon
Level: 13
Gender: Female
IGN: Bart
Message: Vapid

Pokemon deposit: Castform
Pokemon wanted: Kyogre
Level: 30
Gender: Female
IGN: Bart
Message: Vapid
Pokemon deposited: Swampert
Pokemon Wanted: Kyogre
gender: Male
Lvl: 51
Ign: Ayuma
IGN Gavin 
Message Vapid

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