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[GIVEAWAY] ORAS Shiny Megas Giveaway [CLOSED]
ok @eckly i will look through the list and when you get back on i will list the ones i want
OK @eckly i will give you a list when you get back on
(Nov 27, 2014, 11:40 AM)sc_galaxy Wrote: IGN Steven
FC: 2809-9328-6226

Hes offline right now
I updated both of my original posts, and sent you a DM, but in case you haven't seen it yet, here is a repost:

Pokemon: Beedrill
Nature: Jolly
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Pidgeot
Nature: Timid
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Slowbro
Nature: Relaxed
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Steelix
Nature: Relaxed
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Sceptile
Nature: Modest
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Swampert
Nature: Adamant
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Sharpedo
Nature: Adamant
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Camerupt
Nature: Quiet
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Sableye
Nature: Sassy
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Altaria
Nature: Modest
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Glalie
Nature: Jolly
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Salamance
Nature: Jolly
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Metagross
Nature: Adamant
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Kyogre
Nature: Modest
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Gallade
Nature: Adamant
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Lopunny
Nature: Adamant
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

Pokemon: Audino
Nature: Sassy
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): 1736-2509-3977
IGN: Railtracks

P.S. - I'm likely to be on ALL day and ALL night because everything I see is blue inside and out...
P.P.S. - Preferably all male. :D
If possible could I have that shiny Salamence? I don't care about the nature.

My IGN: man
Groudon,Swampert,sceptile,Latias,,diancie, and gallade can i have all of these if not i will accept Groudon and latias
IGN: Lenn
FC: 1504-6263-8374 (already added)
pokemon: Swampert Adamant, Jolly Beedrill, Brave Steelix, Jolly Salamence
Pokemon: Diance
Nature: What ever you have to offer
FC (if it isn't under your avatar): It should be under my avatar
Hey Eckley, can i have the remaining pokemon that i dont have, this includes:
Sassy Audino
Relaxed Slowbro
Relaxed Steelix
Modest Altaria
Adamant Glalie
Adamant Metagross

I will be online, and once you get online, we can trade, IGN Benji
Pokemon: Rayquaza
Nature: Jolly
FC: 1950-8643-2570
IGN: Cody

Pokemon: Lopunny (female if possible)
Nature: Adamant

Pokemon: Diancie
Nature: Modest

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