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[GIVEAWAY] Oh Shuckz!~(Shiny Shuckle Giveaway) [Status: Closed]
That_cute_pikachu just sent the shuckle... enjoy ^_^
Sweet shiny shuckle 
Pokemon deposited: wingull 
level 15 
gender: male
ign : cannon
message: oh shucks! 
Awesome giveaway. Sent a +1 and added your fc
Hey KCannon, just sent the Shuckle hahaha Enjoy... oh and i added you man XD
Thanks to all the peeps who gave a REP thanks so much
Hello, could i please have a shuckle

I have deposited a
Level 13
IGN: Mattie
Message: oh shuckz

Thank you so much
i have also requested it 91 or higher Smile
Hey Mattienator, have you even deposited it dude? remember... deposit 1st before post man
Mattienator dude, word of advice for future purposes
1st - deposit the pokemon
2nd - you post
3rd - wait

Looking for something in the GTS that doesn't exist feels stupid... so please follow instructions

sent you the Shuckle... enjoy Smile
Pokemon requested:  shuckle 
Pokemon deposited: wingull 
Level of deposited pokemon:  9
Gender of deposited pokemon: male
Message: oh shucks!

thank you
Hey Srojaz123, sorry for the delay, just sent you the Shuckle... Enjoy ^_^
Pokemon deposit: Wingull
Level: 5
Gender: Male
IGN: Starlord
Message: Oh Shucks!

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