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THANKS FOR PICKING ME but how is this mew give away gonna work im a bit confuesed ( also i just found this website a few days ago so dont yell at me ;-; )
@itsov first, welcome to PokemonForever. Second, since I only have one Mew I entered everyone into a drawing and then picked a winner at random (using a website). When the winner is picked I will message them to let them know.
ok thanks
(Feb 19, 2016, 05:29 PM)TheShadowKnight Wrote: IGN:Wasim
Pokemon Deposited: tyrogue
Gender: male
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: mr mime

Didn't get sniped.

Will req again some other time. Thanks anyways
Really hope this is still open Smile

IGN: Jen
Pokemon Deposited: Ralts
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: Cleffa

I think you got snipped, that or I can't find your Pokemon anymore (too many Ralts). Next time you're online tell me so I can directly trade you Cleffa.
IGN: Abby
Pokemon Deposited: Golduck
Gender: Male
Level: 33
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: Miltank
Your number one flying-type trainer!

You got snipped.
IGN: Abdur
Pokemon Deposited: Dedenne
Gender: Male
Level: 18
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: Smoochum

But I also want Lickitung & Corsola. Or whatever is available.
@Tridentbolt I've added you, I'll be online in a bit to trade you all the Pokemon (Smoochum, Lickitung, and Corsola) you are seeking?

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