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[Image: 2epnjly.gif]

Hi everybody! :D

This week I'll be giving away a 5-6IV Adamant Bagon egg to all who would like one.

[Image: o0cio1.png]

Step 1) Leave a reply letting me know you want a Bagon egg, along with a) your FC, b) your IGN, and c) please also add me too if you haven't already
Step 2) I will PM for confirmation and invite you to trade at your earliest convenience
Step 3) Complete the trade and enjoy our new Bagon! Smile

also when I can I will give Level 3 Hatching O-power afterward to help out a bit more Smile

[Image: 2aan4e8.gif]
Could I get a little baby Bagon to call my own please?

IGN: Kyle
Hey Onesun,my larvitar is doing fine don't worry about him Smile You can send me a bagon to play with him so he won't feel lonely Smile
You are already on my friend list i guess.We can do the trade when we are both online.

Update:Got my baby bagon and she has 5ivs Smile Thanks again for an awesome baby pokemon Smile
sup onesun, i would love to have a bagon Smile... my FC and IGN u can get in my profile <<<--- . :D , i'll add u. ty Smile.
if you would so kindly once again grant me a pokemon

I would love one.
Ign lystari
Can i have one ? i've added you before =D
I would like one. We are already friends.
Can i have one please?

We're already friends btw
I want one !! Already added you

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